Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Detective K. Galson

By: Katherine G. Wheiler

Every tick of the clock seemed to grow longer and longer. The streets were deserted, no cars, no human in sight, no sounds were to be heard. Nothing but pure silence. This kind of silence only came when a big crime was goin’ down. As I sat there with my steaming hot coffee I knew something big was gunna happen. I just had to wait. Wait for that one sound that would trigger everything. That one sound that made it official, that would give me the first clue to my puzzle. I just had to wait.

Knock, knock, knock.

Finally, I thought. That was the sound I waited for, my patience paid off. “Come in” I yelled to the door. The door opened and there she stood. She had to be at least 5'4 , but with the heels she looked about 5'6. She had long blond hair and I could tell by the look of her clothes she was either a hard worker or she married the right guy. I looked at her ring finger. Nope nothin’. Not even a tan line from a ring being there. Out of all her features her big blue eyes were what caught me. They were strong but hidden behind them I could see the fear that welled up inside her. She was my first clue. She was the first piece of the puzzle. “Pull up a chair.” I said to her as I nodded to one of the chairs. She looked around as if to see if there was anyone else in the room other than me and her. “Can I trust you?” she said to me in a soft whisper. ‘Can I trust you?’ who would ask a detective that? “I don’t know that all depends on you sugar. You gunna take a seat or not?” I said to her calmly. The last thing I wanted was to waist time.

She grabbed the chair closest to her and pulled it closer to my desk. I looked at her curiously. From first glance she looked like the innocent type. The girl that stays far away from any kind of trouble. Why would she be here? She looked so familiar. I know I’ve seen her from some where before now. Maybe if the room wasn’t so dark I could get a better look. “Do you mind?” I asked her as I reached for the lamp. She slowly shook her head no and turned the lamp on her self. Yet still with the lights on I couldn’t think of where I knew her from. “How can I help you sugar?” I asked. She opened her mouth to speak but then suddenly stopped. I could tell what she was thinking. She was questioning if this was the right thing to do, or not. She opened her mouth again finally finding her voice to speak, but her finding came to late. Machine guns rang from outside of the office. Bullets flying every where, windows shattering into millions of pieces. “Time to go.” I said calmly as I grabbed the girls cold hand and yanked her out the back door.

My name is Detective K. Galson. I’ve spent twelve years of my lucky life solving crimes and saving damsels in distress and killing off the bad guys. Unfortunately the bad guys never get extinct so I'm stuck with this job until they are. Which means until I’m dead as a door nail in my grave I’m going to be solving crimes and saving dames. I’m the best of the best and that will never change. All the girls love me and all the men try and kill me. I’m known by all and its either a love or hate relationship.

Chapter One

“Would you like anything to eat?” I asked her in my bored tone, as I grabbed a bottle of water from my fridge. She jumped from the sound of my voice. She was still full of fear after our near death experience. I turned to look at her for an answer just to see her shake her head no. She was drenched head to toe from running in the rain. She stood in the middle of kitchen still trying to catch her breath and to get control of the shaking. I could see the tears welling up inside her. ‘No please anything but that’ I thought. I hated seeing a beautiful girl like her cry, it also made me a bit uncomfortable. I was in a family full of guys and none of us showed any kind of emotion. “I never should have come to you. I should have let it be.” she cried as she fell into my arms. She was just like a rose, both fragile and soft to the touch. She was shaking uncontrollably and was soaking wet from the rain.

I could feel sleep overcoming her body. I gently swept her off her feet and carried her to my bed. I set her down on my bed and went off to find some dry clothes she could wear. I picked out one of my clean shirts and grabbed my new sweat pants that tied around the waist. I figured that maybe she could tie them tight enough that they might just stay on her. “The shower is right through there and here are some dry clothes in there that you can change into.” I said as I pointed bathroom. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and that’s when I knew that I had to protect her. That’s when I knew I would give my life to protect her. Out of all the girls that I’ve saved she was different from the others. Her arms wrapped around me as she whispered in my ear. “Thank you.” she said as she held me in a warm embrace.

I watched her as she walked to the bathroom and shut the door. Her scent still lingered in the air, I couldn’t describe it. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. There was still a puzzle to put together & I couldn’t let this gal distract me.

--So many ideas but for some reason I just cant seem to even finish one haha--

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